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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Star Wars Episode 3 : Revenge Of The Sith

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Game Name : Star Wars Episode 3 : Revenge Of The Sith
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2005-01-08 01:26:37
Views : 43231

Super SABRE mode:
Enter SUPERSABERS as a code at the options screen.

Unlocking Characters for Versus
Ben Kenobi - Complete Mission 17
Cin Drallig - Complete Mission 12
Count Dooku - Complete Mission 4
Darth Vader - Complete Mission 17
General Grievous - Complete Mission 9
Mace Windu - Complete Mission 10
Serra Keto - Complete Mission 12

Ben Kenobi Suicide
When in a duel select Ben Kenobi. In the duel press and hold block(L1), square and circle. He will bring his lightsaber up to his face like in episode IV. If you want to get killed you only have about a second to get hit. If you are hit the right way Ben will disappear (ala A New Hope).If you are hit a different way like a grapple you just die. It is really cool if you play in the death star arena and your opponent is Darth Vader

Unlimited health:
Enter XUCPHRA as a code at the options screen.

Safe Healing/Force Regeneration
Several areas of the game require you to open a door and enter into an area, at which point you'll be attacked by enemies. In some of these places, if you're health and/or force energies are low and need to be given time to recharge, simply stand back past the doorway to the previous room. Most of the time, the enemies cannot pass the room they are in, and will stand huddled in the doorway. Also, using Saber Throws (Or, later in the game, when Anakin aquires Force Lightning) you'll actually be able to get to these safe spots and kill the enemies that are standing just outside the doorway. This is especially helpful during missions like the "Assassination on Mustafar", where you'll constantly find yourself fighting Brutes, Guards, and Battle Droids.

Losing Skill Points
As time passes without you attacking enemies, you lose skill points. The number of points you lose per second increases as more and more time passes:

1-10 seconds - 10
11-20 seconds - 20
21-30 seconds - 30
31+ seconds - 40

Tiny Droid mode:
Enter 071779 as a code at the options screen.

All bonus missions unlocked:
Enter NARSHADDAA as a code at the options screen.

All Jedi powers and Force moves:
Enter JAINA as a code at the options screen.

All duel arenas unlocked:
Enter TANTIVEIV as a code at the options screen.

All duelists unlocked:
Enter ZABRAK as a code at the options screen.

Unlock Duel Areana's and Bonus Missions
Complete the listed Missions to unlock the listed Duel Arenas or Bonus Missions:

Throne Room Main Chamber
Complete mission 04: "Settling the Score"

Throne Room Upper Balcony
Complete mission 04: "Settling the Score"

Bonus Mission: "The General's Protectors"
Complete mission 08: "The Cavalry Arrives"

Utapau Sinkhole Control Room
Complete mission 09: "Showdown with Grievous"

Utapau Sinkhole Landing Platform
Complete mission 09: "Showdown with Grievous"

Bonus Mission: "Grievous on the Run"
Complete mission 09: "Showdown with Grievous"

Palpatine's Office
Complete mission 10: "The Dark Side of the Force"

Palpatine's Office Docking Bay
Complete mission 10: "The Dark Side of the Force"

Temple Control Room
Complete mission 12: "The Final Lesson"

Temple Outer Terrace
Complete mission 12: "The Final Lesson"

Bonus Mission: "Mustafar Lava Challenge"
Complete mission 14: "Assassination on Mustafar"

Bonus Mission: "Size Matters Not"
Complete mission 15: "Aftermath in the Temple"

Mustafar Control Room
Complete mission 16: "A friendship in Flames"

Mustafar Balcony
Complete mission 16: "A friendship in Flames"

Mustafar Control Arm
Complete mission 17: "Revenge of the Sith"

Mustafar Lava Platform
Complete mission 17: "Revenge of the Sith"

Episode IV Death Star
Complete mission 17: "Revenge of the Sith"

Bonus Mission: "Episode IV Death Star"
Complete mission 17: "Revenge of the Sith"

Earning Skill Points
You earn skill points by hitting your opponent or forcing them to block attacks:

Light Attack (hit) - 10
Light Attack (blocked) - 5
Enhanced Light Attack (hit) - 15
Strong Attack (hit) - 20
Strong Attack (blocked) - 10
Enhanced Strong Attack (hit) - 25
Critical Attack (hit) - 30
Critical Attack (blocked) - 15
Enhanced Critical Attack (hit) - 35
Deflected Projectile (hit) - 15
Deflected Projectile (blocked) - 5
Thrown Object (hit) - 25
Force Attack (hit) - 15
Force Attack (blocked) - 10

Earning Experience Points
You earn experience points by killing enemies. If your skill meter rating is above "Fair" your experience points will be multiplied: Fair - 1x (base) :: Good - 1.5x :: Impressive - 2x :: Masterful - 3x. Below is a list of the base points earned by killing the listed enemies. Use your skill meter multiplyer to determine how many real experience points you earn. Warning: The following list may contain spoilers:

Battledroid - 200
Battledroid Captain - 300
Battledroid Sniper - 300
Super Battledroid - 400
Buzz Droid - 200
Buzz Droid Dispenser - 400
Crab Droid - 3000
Destroyer Droid - 500
Flying Battledroid - 500
Blue Grapple Droid - 600
Red Grapple Droid - 800
Clone Trooper - 300
Clone Sniper - 400
Clone Heavy Gunner - 500
Clone Blaze Trooper - 700
Clone AT-ST Walker - 900
Clone Assassin - 1000
Count Dooku - 20000
Grievious Bodyguard - 1250
General Grievous - 20000
Jedi Sniper - 600
Jedi Knight - 800
Jedi Brute - 1000
Neimoidian Guard - 350
Neimoidian Scout - 500
Neimoidian Brute - 1000
Padawan - 400
Mace Windu - 22500
Serra - 10000
Cin Drallig - 15000
Anakin - 25000
Small Turret - 750
Banking Clan Cruiser - 5000
Jedi Starfighter - 1000
Clone Truck Cannon - 1000
Defeated Clone Truck - 2000
Clone Gunship - 7500
Neimoidian Shuttle - 7500

Kill Rating
You earn skill points for killing enemies, and the number of points you earn depends on how full your skill meter is when you kill them:

0-34% - Fair
35-69% - Good
70-99% - Impressive
100% - Masterful

Fast regeneration of Force and health:
Enter BELSAVIS as a code at the options screen.

All movie clips unlocked:
Enter COMLINK as a code at the options screen.

Unlimited Force:
Enter KAIBURR as a code at the options screen.

All concept art unlocked:
Enter AAYLASECURA as a code at the options screen.

All story missions unlocked:
Enter KORRIBAN as a code at the options screen.

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